Since art is subjective, I won’t go there. These photos are mostly cakes collected from all over the web, and were just worth sharing. Enjoy!
Delicious dentin, savory enamel, and yum, PULP CHAMBER!
I’d like a slice of interproximal decay, please.
Mrs. Toof had herself a bunch of babies. But some of them don’t look like Mr. Toof.
George needs perio treatment and a few implants. Wait, you’re in London? Nevermind, these are good British teeth.
A cake with a busted lip? Naw, just the 35th anniversary of Rocky Horror, time-warped next week especially for Glee fans.
Too much CSI on TV these days.
Really creepy and not something I would want to eat or stick my hand into. Fortunately you can click on the photo above and see that this ended up being really artistic.
Minimalism at its Halloween coolest.
I can just imagine the staff arguing about who gets to chew on the dentist.
Annoying Orange, meet your nemesis.
If you know of any other tasty dental endeavors, feel free to link them below in the Comments, especially if you’re creating them for Halloween. Just don’t make me look at another puking pumpkin carving. Why not, you ask? It’s the smell. It reeks even though it’s only a picture.