It was nice - the way that the HIPAA police looked the other way as we all figured out how to take care of each other during the worst of 2020 - but now that we're over that hump, emergency usage is no longer an acceptable excuse for a security breach or a privacy … [Read More...]
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Lead Aprons feel so good! Here’s why.
Ever since you were a kid, you've known this: there's a comfort that settles through you right before getting dental x-rays. You notice when the heavy shield gets draped over your shoulders and tummy that it's a bit easier to relax, to open your mouth and let … [Read More...]

What is this $&!% on my toothbrush?
This morning I threw my toothbrush into the toilet. That's where it belongs, apparently, since I can't seem to do the right thing to keep germs off of it. See, a few years ago there was a big news story about the aerosols that are created with every toilet … [Read More...]

The Prophy Jet Challenge
Why you should improve proficiency at air polishing What has changed little over the past 50 years and is the most performed yet overvalued service provided in dental practices? If you guessed rubber cup polishing, you’d be correct. Overvalued? … [Read More...]

These identical twins can both be your dentist
The novelty of seeing someone's face repeated on another human creates a positive moment of surprise that will be instantly apparent on your own face. Do you feel genuine happiness when you encounter the miracle of identical twins? Well, maybe there's a … [Read More...]

Why dental insurance makes good people do bad things
When I was a kid, my dad would tell me on the way to the dentist to be prepared to pay out of my own pocket for any cavities I had. $38 per filling was an insane amount of money for an eight year old with a 75 cent allowance per week and 7-Eleven candy habit. … [Read More...]