Hal Mayforth must really like dental floss. Therefore I like Hal Mayforth, and as much as I used to be an evangelical hygienist who preached that there was only ONE WAY to dental health, and that was through flossing, I have since become a little more ecumenical in my approach: there are many paths to righteousness. WaterPiks, Stimudents, Superfloss, Sonicares, Soft-Picks, angled flossing gizmos, they’re all okay in my book of holiness as long as patients aren’t looking all stagnant between their teeth when they visit our office.
In your office, you should still promote flossing as well, since it’s the gold standard of interdental cleaning, patients understand its necessity, and they’re expecting the lecture from you, but they still won’t do it, maybe.
Or maybe if you let something else do the talking, they might floss? That’s where Hal Mayforth comes in. He’s an illustrator whose style may already feel familiar to you. It should; he’s been doing this sort of thing for over 35 years. His keen humor might look really good in your operatories, in your reception area, along the walls, and it just so happens that he’s got a few prints for sale about dental health if you’re looking for a way to lift up the level of levity in your practice.
When he’s not tending to his teeth, Hal Mayforth is busy getting his work published in national magazines like Rolling Stone, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, Forbes and many others. You know, the ones who still actually print on paper. And his sketchbook is fun, too. I borrowed a couple of sketches from it to display below for you to enjoy, and mostly, for you to get a sense of his focus.
It would make me happy for you to Visit Hal’s website and take a look at his creativity. If for nothing else, you need a smile today.
And isn’t that what dentistry is really about?