This is both a proud and pathetic confession: Plants vs. Zombies is the only video game I’ve ever finished, even all of the bonus levels. PVZ and the original iPad proved to be a time-zapping combination that rendered me oblivious to all other attention-getting devices until I’d completed all the Endless modes and bought all the extra stuff from Crazy Dave.
So because it is November 1st and I am a dental hygienist, it is with great pleasure that I share with you the code that will allow you to go to the website, sponsored by the American Dental Association and hosted by all of the zombies and plants (except the Michael Jackson one) and download your free copy. This code is good until November 10th and can be played on your PC or Mac computer.
The code is PEAH8R
We left a pile of the Plants vs. Zombies cards in a huge bowl of candy for trick and/or treaters on the stoop of our house. (I was the ringleader to a gaggle of small kids whilst they trick or treated.) When I forgot something at home and ran back to retrieve it, not twenty minutes later, ALL of the candy was gone along with all of the Plants v. Zombies cards my husband had kindly printed out.
The little crappers left our mixing bowl, though.