Alabama’s reputation in dentistry has recently been elevated to EPIC FAIL status.
According to today’s news at, dental students at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) are deficient in their education. They’re playing video games at the retirement homes instead of doing dentistry, unless you count “brushing someone’s teeth” as doing dentistry. A whole lot of other allegations are being raised as well, but I thought this one especially was worth a hoot and a holler.
Take that, Alabama! This little slap will teach you not to hand out licenses to dental professionals without requiring students to take a national board exam first. Or even go to college first. Hey, does this mean that a dentist from Alabama will only be able to get work as a dental assistant in all the other states, like licensed dentists from other countries, until they pass the OTHER states’ board exams? The good news is that now that there’s a bunch of eyes on the situation brewing at this dental college, maybe there will be a tasty intervention coming. Remember, the first step in recovery is admitting that you have a problem.
Get the whole story here at Dr. Bicuspid (you may need to subscribe first). And if you’re from Alabama, sorry for the smack. Does it help you forgive me a little if I say I loved Alabama in Forrest Gump?
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