by Eva Watson
Dentistry is funny. Regardless of what any professional in the industry or dental patient states, this business is a bounty of hilarity. Then, again, others think me a bit “off”.
I recently met and interviewed (via email) Dr. Dan Greenstein, AKA ‘”Dr. Dan” of Boca Raton, Florida. A practicing GP, stand-up comic, and musician, Dr. Dan has been drilling and making the dental industry laugh since 1989. His CD titled “Spit Happens!” offers a collection of dentally–inspired songs like:
If I Was In Hygiene
The Cancellation Blues
and other clever tunes. Dr. Dan’s live show is an onslaught of jokes and insight about the daily life of the dental practices we work in and pull our collective hairs out over. Check him out at:
DB: Your harmonica skills are quite exceptional. Did you learn to play in dental school?
DD: I grew up playing the piano and clarinet, both of which I still play. The harmonica I picked up only in the last 15 years, and I’m really not very good at it. The Piano Man bit just makes me sound like I know what I’m doing…it’s actually a simple riff but thanks for the “props”.
DB: Did you ever break out your harmonica while a patient is in the chair? That would be so unexpected, not to mention brilliant.
DD: Nope, never considered playing the harmonica at work.
DB: Have any of your patients checked out your live performances or are they for those in the dental field?
DD: Some have but my act is really for those that are in the business. I’m only getting paid when I’m performing for dental groups!
DB: Your show is hilarious. I especially dig the musical numbers. Do the tunes come to you during treatment time with patients?
DD: Yes. Often, I hear a song and realize that it will work perfectly with what I’m doing. I do get the light bulb/epiphany reaction while I’m treating patients.
DB: Really? That’s some creative multi-tasking; some may say a sign of genius.
DD: Wow. I’m liking you more with EVERY email!! LOL
I actually had a rough year. Out of the blue…I had triple bypass surgery at the end of February. No joke.
I never smoked even one cigarette, was on Lipitor for years, ate organic oatmeal, haven’t had a big mac in 25 years and it still happened to me. I was out of work for 2 months despite doing all the right things to take care of myself. Now, I’m gonna start smoking 2 packs a day, eat pizza and hang out with Anthony Weiner and Enjoy LIFE! Dentistry is a killer, so any nice things that someone can say about my comedy is very rewarding.
This guy’s a dentist, business owner, comic, musician, and now heart disease survivor. He’s a freaking champion! Obviously, he must have some secret knowledge, some worldly guidance he can offer the dental community.
DB: Any advice you can give to dental practices in today’s economy?
DD: My suggestion for survival in today’s economy is to marry an ORTHODONTIST!
See? He’s a superhero!
Mr. Majesty says
Anyone from “Rat’s Mouth” Florida probably can’t help but be a little funny.